Is it possible to design a baby using art? This question is great and appeals to a junction of scientific ideas and creativity. The paper argues on how art and science meet in the context of designing babies.
Art and Baby Design
Can art be used to design a baby? by coming up with concepts in silhouette form before their actualization. Artists, for example, utilize silhouette design store clip art to come up with images that will help in explaining genetic concepts to scientists and members of the public. These images can aid in answering complex ideas or questions.
Scientific Concepts in Designing Babies
The term designing babies refers to the idea of influencing traits in a baby. This can be done through various scientific methods.

Test Tube Baby
Test tube babies are tested by ivf procedure. Essentially, that is the possibility that scientists have the ability to merge sperms and eggs outside the human body. After that, the implantation of the embryo into the womb follows. This does not design the baby in the real sense but is a giant step in reproductive science.
Gene Editing
Gene editing is a method of editing human embryo DNA that can help repair genetic disorders. It is able to correct cystic fibrosis, for example. A team of scientists will develop only such advanced methods to improve human health.
Genetically Modified Humans
The term ‘genetically modified’ means changes in the DNA of a living thing. In a human embryo, it is changes in genes before birth that will affect the physical characteristics or health conditions of the person.
How Artists Can Help Explain Complex Science Concepts
The art helps to bridge the gap between the exact scientific ideas and the public. On explaining the science of genetics easily, it will be helpful with the use of visual tools like silhouette design store clip art, among others.
In other words, art serves as insight and visualization into the science of designing babies. The actual art will not design the baby, but within the process, there is going to be communication in ideas around genetics and reproductive science. Moving forward with science, this melding of art and science will prevail in terms of changing how we understand the concepts.
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